80th Ave NE (SR522 - NE 185th ST) Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Project Open House

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Thank you for taking the time to visit the 80th Ave NE (SR522 - NE 185th ST) Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements project online open house, we appreciate your participation! As the project name suggests, we will be improving pedestrian and bicycle facilities in the 80th Ave NE corridor! This project will also provide traffic calming to accommodate a reduced speed limit of 30 MPH, provide safe pedestrian crossings across 80th Ave NE at existing school bus stops, improve corridor street lighting (as needed) and improve bicycle access to the Burke Gilman Trail. We've secured approximately 60% of the estimated funding needed, and will be pursuing grant opportunities to make up the difference. Our goal is to construct the project in the summer of 2026.

Project Design: The design is now 30% complete! Click the following link to view: preliminary design roll plot in plan view. Video depictions of the proposed improvements are also available in the sidebar.

Typical Roadway Sections:

Project Scope:

This project includes the following scope of work:

  • Traffic calming: Traveled lanes gently shift back and forth (chicane) within existing public right-of-way to reduce vehicle speeds
  • Infill sidewalks where current gaps exist
  • Buffered or protected bike lanes with improved channelization and access to Burke Gilman Trail
  • Three (3) new pedestrian crosswalks across 80th Avenue NE with Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon Signs and Pedestrian Lighting where school bus stops are located at side streets: NE 177th Place, NE 179th Place and NE 182nd Place
  • Curb extensions on side streets to reduce pedestrian crossing distance
  • Curb ramps where necessary to satisfy Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements
  • Streetlight upgrades as needed
  • Asphalt overlay
  • Vehicle / bike lane striping and signage
  • Minor stormwater improvements
  • Street trees

Project Location:

The project is located on 80th Avenue NE between NE Bothell Way (SR522) and NE 185th Street.

Project Timeline:


























Design will be completed in the late fall of 2025. For the right-of-way phase, there is one minor piece of corner property that may be required to improve a radius return into one of the side streets. Negotiations with the property owner will occur in 2025. We anticipate the project will be advertised for bids in January 2026. Construction should take roughly 1 year to complete. The above schedule conservatively assumes a winter suspension of work to complete final paving and striping in the spring of 2027 during drier, warmer weather. Project close-out will continue through remainder of 2027.

Project Cost and Funding:

The estimated project cost at 30% Design is $4.5M. To date, the city has secured $2.6M in state and locals funds for this project. An additional ~$1.9M will be needed to construct the proposed project. Staff intends to pursue additional state and federal grant options to bridge the funding gap, however additional local funds may be required.

Secured Funding:

Local $377,016

State $2,222,636 - Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Ped/Bike Program

How you can get involved:

We welcome your feedback! Feel free to leave a comment or email any questions you may have to the project manager, Kent Vaughan, PE, Senior Civil Engineer at kvaughan@kenmorewa.gov. The project team takes all comments under advisement in refining / finalizing the design. If you would like to discuss the project in more detail and would rather meet in person, feel free to request a meeting with the project manager during available office hours.

The in-person open house will be held at Kenmore City Hall on March 19, 2025 from 5:30pm-8pm.


Thank you for taking the time to visit the 80th Ave NE (SR522 - NE 185th ST) Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements project online open house, we appreciate your participation! As the project name suggests, we will be improving pedestrian and bicycle facilities in the 80th Ave NE corridor! This project will also provide traffic calming to accommodate a reduced speed limit of 30 MPH, provide safe pedestrian crossings across 80th Ave NE at existing school bus stops, improve corridor street lighting (as needed) and improve bicycle access to the Burke Gilman Trail. We've secured approximately 60% of the estimated funding needed, and will be pursuing grant opportunities to make up the difference. Our goal is to construct the project in the summer of 2026.

Project Design: The design is now 30% complete! Click the following link to view: preliminary design roll plot in plan view. Video depictions of the proposed improvements are also available in the sidebar.

Typical Roadway Sections:

Project Scope:

This project includes the following scope of work:

  • Traffic calming: Traveled lanes gently shift back and forth (chicane) within existing public right-of-way to reduce vehicle speeds
  • Infill sidewalks where current gaps exist
  • Buffered or protected bike lanes with improved channelization and access to Burke Gilman Trail
  • Three (3) new pedestrian crosswalks across 80th Avenue NE with Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon Signs and Pedestrian Lighting where school bus stops are located at side streets: NE 177th Place, NE 179th Place and NE 182nd Place
  • Curb extensions on side streets to reduce pedestrian crossing distance
  • Curb ramps where necessary to satisfy Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements
  • Streetlight upgrades as needed
  • Asphalt overlay
  • Vehicle / bike lane striping and signage
  • Minor stormwater improvements
  • Street trees

Project Location:

The project is located on 80th Avenue NE between NE Bothell Way (SR522) and NE 185th Street.

Project Timeline:


























Design will be completed in the late fall of 2025. For the right-of-way phase, there is one minor piece of corner property that may be required to improve a radius return into one of the side streets. Negotiations with the property owner will occur in 2025. We anticipate the project will be advertised for bids in January 2026. Construction should take roughly 1 year to complete. The above schedule conservatively assumes a winter suspension of work to complete final paving and striping in the spring of 2027 during drier, warmer weather. Project close-out will continue through remainder of 2027.

Project Cost and Funding:

The estimated project cost at 30% Design is $4.5M. To date, the city has secured $2.6M in state and locals funds for this project. An additional ~$1.9M will be needed to construct the proposed project. Staff intends to pursue additional state and federal grant options to bridge the funding gap, however additional local funds may be required.

Secured Funding:

Local $377,016

State $2,222,636 - Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Ped/Bike Program

How you can get involved:

We welcome your feedback! Feel free to leave a comment or email any questions you may have to the project manager, Kent Vaughan, PE, Senior Civil Engineer at kvaughan@kenmorewa.gov. The project team takes all comments under advisement in refining / finalizing the design. If you would like to discuss the project in more detail and would rather meet in person, feel free to request a meeting with the project manager during available office hours.

The in-person open house will be held at Kenmore City Hall on March 19, 2025 from 5:30pm-8pm.

Page last updated: 12 Mar 2025, 07:22 AM