- Replace the sidewalk damaged by adjacent trees on the west side of 61st Ave NE north of NE 190th St;
- Relocate sidewalk approximately 10 feet west and away from Chet Chatl Creek (Cat Whisker's Creek / Tributary 0056), just south of NE 190th St to approximately NE 182nd St; Make other ADA improvements to the west side of 61st Ave NE, north of NE 190th St as needed;
- Enhance natural habitat along the stream corridor between NE 190th and NE 182nd St;
- Complete 2 inch grind and asphalt overlay from NE 181st St to NE 190th St (included but funded through the citywide overlay program).
- Remove center turn lane south of NE 190th St (left turn pockets to remain at NE 190th intersection);
What is a curb extension?
A curb extension is a traffic calming and safety measure that narrows the side street entrance onto an arterial street to reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians and slow vehicles speeds negotiating the turn, making the intersection safer for all users.
At what level of design is the Phase 1 project?
The Phase 1 project is at 0% design, that is to say we are still in the pre-design phase evaluating design alternatives. Once a design alternative is selected, the design phase will continue through 2024.
Will the on-street parking along 61st Ave NE be removed?
Yes. On-street parking areas will be re-purposed to build the buffered bike lanes.
Doesn't it make sense to replace the sidewalk on the west side too within the Phase 1 project limits since it has the same tree root problem?
Yes, it does, but it's complicated. The sidewalk on the west side of 61st Ave NE between NE 190th ST and the north city limits will be replaced with the Phase 2 project. The city did not include the west side sidewalk replacement in the WSDOT Pedestrian/Bicycle program grant application because it would have made the request too high to compete well. The city was successful in securing funding for the west side sidewalk replacement through a separate State grant program, Move Ahead WA, and inquired with the State to merge the two projects. The State denied our request because the Move Ahead WA funds were programmed in later years which would have delayed the Phase 1 project delivery.
What is the city's plan to fill the Phase 1 funding gap?
Staff will be applying for Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Urban Arterial Program funds in August 2023. Initial indications from TIB are that this project would compete favorably. If unsuccessful, the city would need to appropriate additional local funds.
What is included in the Phase 2 project, how is it funded, and when is it scheduled for completion?
Phase 2 project will:
Project Funding: $3,500,000 in Move Ahead WA grant program funds; $165,000 in City Surface Water Funds;
Estimated Project Delivery: 2028+. To accelerate parts of the phase 2 work, the city will include sidewalk replacement on the west side of 61st Ave NE as part of the City’s effort to secure TIB grant funds.