Arrowhead Drive Sidewalk and Traffic Calming Improvements Project Online Open House
Thank you for visiting the Online Open House for the Arrowhead Drive Sidewalk and Traffic Calming Improvements Project.
This sidewalk and traffic calming project is located on NE Arrowhead Drive between 64th Avenue NE and NE 151st Street. The main goal of this project is to help make this neighborhood safer and more walkable. Your input is valuable and we want to hear from you on proposed changes and options for traffic calming devices. See below to learn more about the project, then take a few minutes to provide your input through a short survey at the bottom of this page. The survey will be open until September 15.
Project Scope:
The goal of this project is to provide a safer pedestrian pathways and street crossings to Arrowhead Elementary School, Saint Edward State Park, and Juanita Drive, as well as to provide traffic calming on NE Arrowhead Drive. This includes:
- A new sidewalk on the south and west side of the street. The new sidewalk will generally be six feet wide and will include a new concrete curb and gutter, a new 4-foot-wide landscaped amenity strip.
- New traffic calming devices to reduce excessive vehicle speeds. This includes a traffic calming pilot study (during design) to evaluate proposed permanent traffic calming improvements. We need your feedback on this piece!
- Underground drainage improvements to better manage stormwater flow from weather events.
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps.
- Lighting improvements at intersections and pedestrian crossing locations.
- A solar powered rectangular rapid-flashing beacon at the intersection of 64th Ave NE and NE 151st Street.
Project Location & Design:
The project limits include the south and west side of NE Arrowhead Drive from 64th Avenue NE to NE 151st Street. See a map of the project location in Kenmore.
Here is map of the proposed project design:
Here is a visual cross section of the existing roadway and the proposed roadway:
Project Timeline:
The final design should be completed by January of 2026, and construction is expected to start in the summer of 2026. Construction will take about a year to complete.
Project Cost and Funding:
The total project cost from start to finish is expected to be approximately $2.4M and is primarily funded through the State’s Safe Routes to School grant.
How you can get involved:
We need your input to help make this project a success! Here is how you can participate:
- Read through the information on this webpage, including the videos and FAQs to the right.
- Take the survey below and share your feedback on proposed traffic calming measures.
- Submit a comment or question to
- Leave a citizen comment at the upcoming City Council meeting later this fall (TBD).
Traffic Calming Pilot Program: Share Your Feedback!
NE Arrowhead Drive is part of the City’s annual Speed and Volume Studies and the results of this study show that excessive speeding occurs regularly through this area. As part of our efforts to combat excessive speeding and create a more safe, comfortable walking route to the elementary school and through your neighborhood, traffic calming devices will be incorporated into the project.
First, we plan on installing and testing temporary traffic calming devices. This is where we’d like to get your input.
What types of traffic calming devices are we considering? Chicanes and speed humps (aka speed cushions/pillows) are currently being considered based on space and budget constraints. Check out the videos on the right to help visualize a drive through the neighborhood with new traffic calming devices.
Here are examples of temporary chicanes that could be used during the pilot program and permanent chicanes.
Temporary Chicane Examples:
Permanent Chicane Examples: